Saturday, 25 May 2013

Five Years With SHINee

Can't believe this day has finally arrived. Five years. Right in the beginning when I first found out about this group of fresh, young boys, I never imagined that I would be a fan for long. It all started out when I heard their song in a drama, and I fell in love with it - the song, not them. Then one day I turned on the telly and hey, it was Minho on Dream Team. That intense gaze, that burning desire to win, these images were all deeply etched in my heart. I've never seen anyone with such determination in my entire life and probably that's how my love for them snowballed. I started finding out more about them and listening to their songs and I realized they gave me this special happiness that no one else could. The kind that can immediately brighten the day of a devastated person. I don't know how either, but SHINee's just different. At times when I felt like no one could understand me, at times when I felt like giving up, all I had to do was watch one of their videos and my mood would instantly be better. I wonder how it was possible for them to spread happiness through the computer screen, but yes their laughters were just THIS infectious. Soon at the start of 2010, they came to Singapore for the first time and I decided to check them out with my own eyes, to find out if everything I had seen so far was nothing but a facade. I was SO WRONG to think that way, really. Contrary to that, they were even more remarkable in real life. Cute, handsome faces, amazing stage presence, bubbly personalities..... These were evidently seen, especially during an exclusive autograph session I managed to squeeze into. The moment they finished singing, I had run out of the concert hall as though my life were dependent on it and thankfully, I got into the queue. It's been more than 4 years now but I can never forget the scene of everything that had happened and the little conversations I had with each member.

[FAN ACCOUNT] First in line was Onew. Since it was my first experience, I was extremely shy and a simple "Onew oppa, saranghaeyo" was all I managed to squeeze under my breath. Then he looked up at me (with a cute eye smile of course) and said thank you. Damnnnn you have no idea how I felt. Like my insides just melted right through. Next was Jonghyun, who gave a smug look when I reached him. UNFFF. After which was cutie pie Taemin. He's really sooooo cute and he has a wonderful attitude too, he said hello and smiled a lot. And when he was done signing, he said xiexieni. Aww! :') Fourth in line was Minho. This guy.... His huge Bambi eyes just tugged at my heart strings like no other and he smiled so much I just felt like crying there in front of him. I think I kinda lost myself while he signed, and all I focused on was the beautiful curls in his long hair. When he finished autographing, he said Thank You and bye bye and waved at me. I really felt like my life was complete then ;~; Lastly, there was Key. He wasn't exactly happy then because his granny had just passed away so I totes understand. But his English........... He probably speaks much better than any regular Singaporean on the street. That's how Diva he is ^^

After this whole event, I found it so hard (or rather impossible) to pull myself away from them because they were my pillar of strength, so much so that I gave up and it was then that I realized I had fallen into a black hole, a black hole called love <3
It's so difficult to express the entire story in words because it's wonderful to the extent that words can't portray accurately enough. And it's equally difficult to believe that SHINee is five years old. Five years. People doubted them and told them they wouldn't make it, but with sheer determination, look where they are now. Standing on stages with more and more fans each year, winning awards they have earned for themselves. Here they are, receiving a grand award in Malaysia (Jan 19, 2013).

Many people speculated and commented that SHINee would end up disbanded at the end of five years (There's this thing called the "five-year curse" because many bands in history broke up at this point) but once again, SHINee proved them wrong. That's what I like about them, the fact that they're always able to withstand criticism and turn the table around. If I should further illustrate my point, I would say that SHINee makes lemonade out of the lemons people throw at them and share it with thirsty people, which is us, the fans. That's how amazing they are <3 

My story can go on for pages and pages, so I should probably stop here, but I just wanted to show my journey with SHINee through pictures. Some people may think I'm crazy but hey, what do you know? I've been so happy loving them like that. They taught me never to give up on something I wanted, they taught me that hard work does indeed pay off, they taught me how to love without expecting anything in return, they taught me how to make the best of the undesirable situations life puts me in. Not only that, I've made many wonderful friends around the world who genuinely care for me. Just a quick shout out to 윤정언니, 수영언니, 소정언니, Fuka, Shani, Shinta, Ashley, Hajar, Nicole, Hazel, Yanglin and definitely many more that I haven't named. See? These are things you wouldn't know unless you're part of my story :) 

Once again, Happy 5th Anniversary boys!! Here's to infinity and beyond ❤


My journey with SHINee:

SHINee World is THE BEST ^^

Taemin: In 5 years...

Why So Serious (23 May, 2013) : OT5

Jong crying at Fan Party (25 May, 2013). 울지마요 ㅜ___ㅜ

The banner at Fan Party (25 May 2013). They all look so darn gorgeous! <3

5 years ago... Unbelievable :D 

A pic with my 1/2 of my SHINee collection! 

Cake for their anniversary. Love ya boys~
Forever and ever. I sincerely mean it <3



  1. naaaw this post is soo cute !! :') I especially like this part: "If I should further illustrate my point, I would say that SHINee makes lemonade out of the lemons people throw at them and share it with thirsty people, which is us, the fans. That's how amazing they are <3 " hehe
    I think exactly like you!! Thanks to our SHINee boys I'm so much happier compared to my life before I knew them *sigh* forever in love with them<3

  2. Hey!!!!
    Sorry I saw this so late, but I really wanna thank you so much for reading my posts and leaving sweet comments all the time because they are extremely encouraging :) and I'm glad to know that there's someone out there who shares the same sentiments as me! Can I get your name, and your blog too? Thanks a lot and let's continue supporting SHINee together ❤

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No problem!
    Naaww I'm glad I can encourage you only by writing my thoughts underneath your posts ^.^
    Well, my name is Liz but I don't have a blog. I use twitter, tho, if you wanna talk to me :D
