Hey guys~~~!
Christmas is around the corner and I would like to give away some handmade cards to maybe around 10? people on Twitter. Although we may not have met before, it feels really nice when you guys show your concern for me be it whether I'm unhappy, sick or maybe just confused. And I just wanna say thank YOU and Merry Christmas! They are just tiny cards, so please don't expect too much ^^;;
So! If you would like to receive a card from me, please send an email BY TONIGHT to outversity@hotmail.com with:
1) Name
2) Twitter username
4) Contact number
5) Address
Please only send the email if you're comfortable with me having your details.
I'm obviously not gonna harm you or spread your details around....... so yup!
Hope to receive your email soon! :)
Btw, this is for people living in Singapore only. I'm sorry :(
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Finally blogging! It's been really long since my last post, and wow. Even I am shocked by the duration I've been away O_O Anyway~ right when I restarted blogging, I clearly remember telling myself that this is just gonna be a space FOR MYSELF, and I'm not blogging for anyone else's entertainment - whatever you call it.
I remember saying that I would do a post on The Jonas Brothers' gig here @ Fort Canning Park but I've been so damn busy after that, getting heart attacks with all my results, calculating my scores and thinking what I can do, and then there was graduation day (where I cried like hell - I don't know why either because I'm not a softie) then busy preparing for HCL O levels - I can totally predict a 'C' coming my way because the paper was so bloody difficult and Chinese..... Ha, it's just not my thing~ On the night of HCL O levels I flew to Japan for my trip (and yes, I also made a mental note to blog about it but heck, I haven't even uploaded the pictures on FaceBook!) this time I went, I reminded myself time and again to take only necessary pictures because the last time I went in June, I snapped away like a nutcase and ended up having to waste so much time deleting the unnecessary pictures I took. Can you believe I even took interest in an ant crawling around? 5 pictures on that.
Anyway!! I'll try my best to upload the pics I took in Japan onto FB and create a little blogpost on it soon? But I doubt so because there are so many things coming up:
1) SMTOWN SG on Nov 23
2) Taiwan Trip from Nov 26 - Dec 5
3) SHINee's second solo concert on Dec 8
UGHHH LOOK! My life is too busy, but I really hope to get some motivation before I fly to Taiwan otherwise... My inspirations will all be lost by the time I come back - like how my JB feels have all vanished now LOL.
Also, there's this little thing in my heart which I feel really uncomfortable about. Something I can't speak to my friends about because they might just find me slutty, desperate and well, attention-seeking. Has anyone ever experienced times where boys flirt with you/ ask you out just because of how you look? I'm not saying I'm popular and I don't think I'm pretty in a sense where guys flock all around for me, but this is not the first time something like that has happened so I'm "disturbed" so to speak. I personally don't treat dating as a game, so I don't like it when people do. And the worst part is, I'm just like a piece in their game. Using me whenever they need me and then chucking me off after they're done. What the fuck? LOL that's why girls, we always MUST MUST MUST look carefully before choosing a boyfriend. I've never had one, because I don't have that sense of security with boys around, so yeah. Just ranting - as usual - and I'm done for the day.
I remember saying that I would do a post on The Jonas Brothers' gig here @ Fort Canning Park but I've been so damn busy after that, getting heart attacks with all my results, calculating my scores and thinking what I can do, and then there was graduation day (where I cried like hell - I don't know why either because I'm not a softie) then busy preparing for HCL O levels - I can totally predict a 'C' coming my way because the paper was so bloody difficult and Chinese..... Ha, it's just not my thing~ On the night of HCL O levels I flew to Japan for my trip (and yes, I also made a mental note to blog about it but heck, I haven't even uploaded the pictures on FaceBook!) this time I went, I reminded myself time and again to take only necessary pictures because the last time I went in June, I snapped away like a nutcase and ended up having to waste so much time deleting the unnecessary pictures I took. Can you believe I even took interest in an ant crawling around? 5 pictures on that.
Anyway!! I'll try my best to upload the pics I took in Japan onto FB and create a little blogpost on it soon? But I doubt so because there are so many things coming up:
1) SMTOWN SG on Nov 23
2) Taiwan Trip from Nov 26 - Dec 5
3) SHINee's second solo concert on Dec 8
UGHHH LOOK! My life is too busy, but I really hope to get some motivation before I fly to Taiwan otherwise... My inspirations will all be lost by the time I come back - like how my JB feels have all vanished now LOL.
Also, there's this little thing in my heart which I feel really uncomfortable about. Something I can't speak to my friends about because they might just find me slutty, desperate and well, attention-seeking. Has anyone ever experienced times where boys flirt with you/ ask you out just because of how you look? I'm not saying I'm popular and I don't think I'm pretty in a sense where guys flock all around for me, but this is not the first time something like that has happened so I'm "disturbed" so to speak. I personally don't treat dating as a game, so I don't like it when people do. And the worst part is, I'm just like a piece in their game. Using me whenever they need me and then chucking me off after they're done. What the fuck? LOL that's why girls, we always MUST MUST MUST look carefully before choosing a boyfriend. I've never had one, because I don't have that sense of security with boys around, so yeah. Just ranting - as usual - and I'm done for the day.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
今天就來個華文的吧!哈哈突然對華文產生了那麼大的興趣也不知道是為甚麼 ^^;; 也不是說不喜歡華文,但學校的作業、作文、理解問答等等都把我逼到"恨"的這個地步。怎麼辦吶 T_T 也不知自己是不是因為壓力太大還是因為太空閒,我突然想到了未來的生活。十年後的我,會是怎樣的一個人呢?不可以和崔珉豪在一起是一件事情,但我希望自己會找到快樂,也希望珉可以找到他喜歡的女生!嗚嗚
我喜歡的男性要:英文華文都能說好(能說第三語言最好啦啊哈),要帥,要高,對我一定要好,有錢,有好事業!我覺得自己看了太多電視劇...世上哪裡有那麼完美的人啊!?無論如何,有夢想沒錯吧?發完神經了,立刻睡覺~~ 晚安啦各位,希望你們也能夠找到幸福! \^o^/
我喜歡的男性要:英文華文都能說好(能說第三語言最好啦啊哈),要帥,要高,對我一定要好,有錢,有好事業!我覺得自己看了太多電視劇...世上哪裡有那麼完美的人啊!?無論如何,有夢想沒錯吧?發完神經了,立刻睡覺~~ 晚安啦各位,希望你們也能夠找到幸福! \^o^/
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Wow, I realised I haven't blogged for more than a month! I seriously don't know what I'm doing with my life, just slacking around everyday. While other people are busy studying, and trying to achieve something, I just sit here and ogle at this crazily handsome Korean guy. People always ask "What's so great about him?" How do you expect me to give you an answer for that? EVERYTHING about him is great and I don't know, you just have to experience this kind of thing for yourself. There is no explanation for love.
Anyway, I was supposed to go for a movie with my aunt today. She has been saying we're not spending enough time together and all, so I was like okay~~ let's go for a show (even though I'm not interested in a single movie in theatres now). And then she went out in the afternoon. She told me she would be back by 4 or 5, but the thing is it is now 111PM and I still see no sight of her. So I called and she said she forgot. Oh wow, nice try lady ;) but whatever, I'm not pissed/ disappointed. Just shocked that she could forget. Anyways, I'm really hungry now so let's get dad to buy me some food ^.^ GOOD NIGHT!
Anyway, I was supposed to go for a movie with my aunt today. She has been saying we're not spending enough time together and all, so I was like okay~~ let's go for a show (even though I'm not interested in a single movie in theatres now). And then she went out in the afternoon. She told me she would be back by 4 or 5, but the thing is it is now 111PM and I still see no sight of her. So I called and she said she forgot. Oh wow, nice try lady ;) but whatever, I'm not pissed/ disappointed. Just shocked that she could forget. Anyways, I'm really hungry now so let's get dad to buy me some food ^.^ GOOD NIGHT!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Actor Choi is the best, and always will be T_T I'm just really happy that a new chapter of his career is starting!!!!!! It's so amazing. Thank you so much SME, for giving hubby this wonderful chance, and thank you for waiting for him. 최배우는 많이 많이 기대할께요!! ㅠㅠ
Credit: My friend from Kakao.....?? I don't know ^^;;
Actor Choi is the best, and always will be T_T I'm just really happy that a new chapter of his career is starting!!!!!! It's so amazing. Thank you so much SME, for giving hubby this wonderful chance, and thank you for waiting for him. 최배우는 많이 많이 기대할께요!! ㅠㅠ
Credit: My friend from Kakao.....?? I don't know ^^;;
Saturday, 7 July 2012
120707 SHINee Mobile Site Update 20 TOURS!!!!
20 tours!!!!!!!!!! Man, that is such a feat for our sweetest SHINee but as expected, they did it!! Loads of flying around from all over the place to Japan just to complete this amazing task... I'm sure they must've had loads of fun~~ especially since a certain someone won with so much ice cream >__> In the beginning, when news was released of SHINee's Arena Tour, I was like what the hell is this? I've never heard of Arena Tours since I've only been with SHINee <33 So whatever they do, I feel it with them. It was their first time, and so it was my first time too - hearing of such a thing. Then they released the tour dates, and again I was like "Holy crap that's A LOT!!" After which, they added evern MORE dates and that's when I started to feel this was gonna be a crazy "rollercoaster ride~" /sings to Up and Down/ and I had to go for it. Thanks to my lovely mum, I managed to! <3 I am very very thankful.....
Anyway, the tour has ended and I am so proud of SHINee (again). 5 boys, with 5 wonderful dreams. I hope to be there with them at Tokyo Dome one day!! That will be one of the most historic moments of our lives, and I can't wait. For SHINee and me, to cry together! :P
I've translated the messages they left on the mobile site from Korean to English, so yep, if anybody wants to read, then that's it. ENJOY! AND STICK WITH OUR FIVE HAPPY PILLS FOR LIFE! :)
온유 : 투어가 끝났습니다. 20회나 되는 긴 공연이었는데, 그 동안 많은 추억들을 만들 수 있었어요. 여러분도 그렇죠!? (o^_^o) 여러분의 큰 응원에 힘 입어 무사히 공연을 마칠 수 있었습니다. 언제나 감사하고 있어요. (o^_^o) 앞으로도 저희의 활동 기대해주세요.
ONEW: Tour has ended. Though it was a long 20-date concert, I was able to make many happy memories during that period of time. You guys too right!? (o^_^o) Through everybody's great support, I received strength and managed to finish the concert safely and soundly. I'm always grateful. (o^_^o) Please anticipate our future activities.
종현 : 팬 여러분 감사합니다. 굉장히 즐거운 투어였어요. 여러분과 만날 수 있었던 것은 물론이고, 일본의 문화도 다양하게 경험할 수 있었던 매우 귀중한 시간이었습니다. 앞으로 좀 더 성장한 모습을 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 또 만나요.
JONGHYUN: Thank you to all our fans. It was a really enjoyable tour. Of course we were able to meet everyone and, I was able to experience Japan's culture. It was a very precious time for me. In future, to show you a more grown up appearance, we will work hard. Let's meet again soon.
태민 : 여러분, 20회나 되던 아레나 투어가 벌써 꿈처럼 느껴져요. 앞으로도 여러분과 함께 보낼 시간을 생각하는 것만으로도 가슴이 두근두근합니다. 다음엔 좀 더 즐거운 시간 보내요 니혼노미나상! 사랑해~
TAEMIN: Everyone, this 20-date long Arena Tour still feels like a dream to me. Just thinking about how we'll be able to spend time with everyone again in future makes my heart go dugeun dugeun. Next time, we'll spend a more enjoyable time together. Nihon no minasang! (T/N: Taem wrote this in Hangul with a Japanese meaning - Everyone in Japan!) I love you~
민호 : 20번의 만남과 이별이 있었습니다. 길다면 긴 시간이었지만, 저에겐 굉장히 짧게 느껴졌어요. 20번의 만남이 너무나 귀중해서 잊지 못 할 기억으로 남았습니다. (o^_^o) 굉장히 감사드리고, 다시 한 번 이런 경험을 할 수 있길 기원합니다. 더운 와중에도 응원해주신 팬 여러분, 그리고 스탭분들, 그리고 멤버들! 감사합니다. 또 만나요.(o^_^o)
MINHO: It is time to bid farewell with 20 tours. It is a long time if you think it is, but to me it felt really short. Our 20 meetings have been really precious so I will not be able to forget it, and it will be left in my memories. (o^_^o) I'm really grateful, and once again, I wish to have such an experience. In the midst of all this, to the people who have been giving us so much support - all the fans, and all the staff, and the members! Thank you. Let's meet again soon.(o^_^o)
키 : 콘서트장에 많이 찾아와 주셔서 감사했어요. 이번에 오지 못 하신 분들은 다음에 만날 수 있는 거죠!? 더욱 성장한 스테이지를 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 바이~ 뿌잉! (^_-)-☆
KEY: Thank you so much for coming to the concert. Those who weren't able to come this time will be able to meet us next time right!? To show you a more grown up stage, we will work hard. Bye~ Bbuing! (^_-)-☆
Picture credit: minoutshine
Japanese to Korean: lkate
Korean to English: Trish
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Today, I finally baked.
Today, I finally did some baking~~ To keep things short and sweet, this recipe has been in my mind for quite a while now ^^


If you're interested to try this simple, interesting recipe out, here it is! Btw, the raisins are optional. I just decided to put some in so the muffin wouldn't be too plain. BON APPETIT! :D
- 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 140 g butter, softened
- 3/4 cup white sugar
- 3 medium eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 cup nutella, approx
Preheat oven to 160°C.
Line 12 muffin tins with cupcake or muffin liners.
Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder in a medium bowl. Leave aside.
Cream together the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl till texture is light.
Add in the eggs, one at a time till fully incorporated.
Add in the vanilla extract.
Gradually add in the dry ingredients into the wet mix till well-mixed.
Fill up each liner with batter till about 3/4 full.
Top up each cupcake with approximately 1 tbsp of nutella. Use a toothpick to swirl the nutella into the batter.
Bake for 20 minutes or till a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Remove individual cupcakes to cool completely on a wire rack before storing.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
They're angels, right?
Today is a really significant day for me. For SHINee too I guess... it has to be.
So this girl from America - Donika Streling - is terminally ill and she has a few months left before leaving beautiful Earth, and her last wish is to meet SHINee. It sounds really wacky to be able to meet such a popular group upon personal request, but yes. Upon seeing all the photos surfacing today, I felt like crying for real. It was really really unbelievable since I heard this a month back or so...? But I never really thought it would happen. For SHINee to take time off their busy schedules to fulfil this poor girl's last wish, BUT IT DID. And they made me so proud of being a Shawol.
It's been a long time since I've seen the humane side of SHINee. Not saying they lack humanity, but I don't think we've had many chances to see this side of them, beyond the cool facade they always present. I just KNOW that this side of them does exist and today, many of us finally got to see it.
Apparently, Donika's favourite member is Taem. And makdoongie, oh god. I don't know what to say and how to put it!! He actually gave her his rosary bead bracelet. Can you imagine? And that thing is from his mother.
As proud as I feel, I don't like the fact that Taemin gave that to Donika. People are gonna say "You're selfish.", "You're just jealous", "You are heartless." and all that bullshit, but seriously? Just think about it. That bracelet is so freaking precious to Taem, and I'm quite certain he would've regretted it in one way or another. I know his heart is really really kind, but........ it's a gift from his mum. I don't know, but I would NEVER give/ trade anything from my family away. It's a fact, that everyone has to leave Earth one day so I'm just wondering how Taemin will feel when,,,, his mum leaves? I know he's gonna hurt bad, so really. I'd rather he didn't give the bracelet away. In any case, 태미니 남자된다! He proved it today!! So I trust he can think on his own feet now and figure out what's the best for himself.
Moreover, he looks so good with it. Have I ever mentioned I shipped Taem with that bracelet? T_T
Whatever, it's all history now. I just hope Donika gets to live on healthily. And I hope the boys get enough rest. Just look at Minho. Tiredness is written all over his charming face, and it breaks my heart to see him in such a state - listless, away from the group, and rushing all over the place everyday. He won't be able to take it.
Happy SHINee with Donika! Look at Onew's gorgeous smile ;~;
Taemin with Donika. Don't his eyes look wet!?
Bye bye Donika ;'(
Big bear hug <33
Chilling out with Donika. She's so happy!
Taemin helping Donika with the rosary bead bracelet! He has grown up ;~;
So sleepy now, I should hit the sack. GOOD NIGHT!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Boyz Nite Out is over~~ I did anticipate it a little, prior to JAT. So~~ I was superbly disappointed when I found out Minho wouldn't attend the concert. I don't even know how to put it in words, but I just started tearing in the queue. FML. I paid $181 bucks for SHINee ONLY, and since he's my favourite member, it should be only normal that I wanna see him the most. Instead, all the dumb organisers could give us was a freaking tweet that read "Sorry Shawols, Minho will not be performing at BNO due to unexpected changes in filming schedule but the rest of SHINee are ready to rock!!!" SORRY?? ARE YOU SAYING SORRY?? I mean, we can't blame anyone for this but couldn't the tweet have sounded a little............. kinder? I don't know how to say it, but reading the tweet made me feel like they didn't really care if he came or not. And it made me feel even worse.
Well, I guess Ming's busy filming SM's new drama - A Beautiful You or something like that. But ARGH. And it's with Sulli -__-" I don't know why I hate her so much, but it's probably because of her face? I feel bad sometimes, since she hasn't been bad to me in any way. But seriously.
Done ranting, and here are some beautiful shots of Minho at the airport - to Taiwan for the Etude Play Pink Party event. He left shortly after, while the other 4 are still in Taiwan (I think?). Just look at his crazy schedule. Even angels need to rest sometimes, right!? ;(
Minho behind, and Taemin with a mask. Hope he isn't sick! T_T
Slightly pursed lips, just perfect <33
Big big big Adidas fan, Choi Minno ^^
Stepping out of the car like a boss with those neon yellow shoes~~
Playing it cool, with one hand in the pocket. His hair falls perfectly without him trying~~
My little dumpling <33
Take care my sweet boy, do not overwork yourself. I'll be here for you~
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
My gorgeous boy~~~
Last day in Seoul! I don't know what to think, but it's been a really wonderful trip so far~~ so many things to talk about when I get back, ESPECIALLY ARENA TOUR. I'll dedicate a post to it! Anyway~~~ found a really handsome picture of honeyho at SM Town Taiwan. I just HAVE to post it up! Look at those gorgeous muscles *u*
Friday, 6 April 2012
Okeayyyy! Here goes. MrMinho stuff (?) have arrived and I am very pleasantly surprised by the things that came along with the photobook! Snapped some shots, so enjoy :)
Bookmark #1
Bookmark #2
Radiation Sticker
He looks really perfect in here ;~;
Special DVD
Stickers (?)
I'm not really sure what this is lol, but they're really drawings of all of his costumes <3
Stickers! (for real) :D
Fan ^^ (for fainting Shawols at concerts)
A4 Sized Poster
Random Pages! :) He's gorgeous <33
That's all! I feel this is a really good photobook and I would recommend it to everyone. The paper quality is wonderful and the shots are all of Minho's best moments, so get it if you love this man! Thank you for taking the time to go through this post :)
Sunday, 25 March 2012
As promised, here are the photos I took from OnewStyle's 2nd (and last) photobook.
When my parcel arrived, I felt so mixed. Happy, sad and probably a little....... sour?
I don't know, I just feel so sad that she's gone forever and I'll miss her a lot (lol why do I make it sound like she's died?)
Anyway, this book is just SO precious to me so I hope the few shots I've posted will brighten your day and yes, make you love Onew a little more :3
Feel free to comment! ^^
As promised, here are the photos I took from OnewStyle's 2nd (and last) photobook.
When my parcel arrived, I felt so mixed. Happy, sad and probably a little....... sour?
Anyway, this book is just SO precious to me so I hope the few shots I've posted will brighten your day and yes, make you love Onew a little more :3
Feel free to comment! ^^
That's all~ If you wanna see more of such great photos, purchase her book! And also if you noticed, I've actually enlarged the photos so you can save them (if you like). I hope you've enjoyed the peektures :D
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